Gilde Healthcare portfolio company Scharenborg Group appoints Johannes Schneider Littfeld as Chairman - Gilde Healthcare

Gilde Healthcare portfolio company Scharenborg Group appoints Johannes Schneider Littfeld as Chairman

8 februari 2024
Hengelo, the Netherlands

The Scharenborg Group, a leading footcare technology firm has appointed Johannes Schneider Littfeld as Chairman to the Advisory Board. Johannes is an experienced executive in the MedTech- and patient care industry. He spent 15 years in senior management of Otto Bock, the global leader in Orthopedic Technology. Johannes holds an MSc in Biomedical Engineering and is currently board member at several innovative companies in the life science industry.

Littfeld on his move to Scharenborg:“ The group has an excellent reputation in the market – the group with its wide use of digitalization as well as the outstanding quality for all footcare products makes Scharenborg unique and well positioned to be the right partner for growth at their customers.“

Bas Meijer, Director Care – Scharenborg Group: “We are delighted to get an highly experienced Chairman on board who, together with our management team, will help to take the group to the next level. We are looking forward to work with Johannes and leverage his leadership skills and network.“

About the Scharenborg Group
The Scharenborg Groep is an integrated provider of footcare. The company predominantly offers podiatry and orthopedic services to patients across the Netherlands. The Scharenborg team consists of specialists in both the primary and secondary care, several different supporting divisions and experts that develop innovative solutions to provide the best footcare. This integrated way of providing footcare, called “Total Footcare”, is unique in the Netherlands.

“Total Footcare” includes both foot and movement care, that aims to provide the right treatment to all patients. The goal is the lightest solution where possible, but complex where needed. Whether the solution is podiatry, orthopedics or a multidisciplinary treatment, the Scharenborg Group believes that everyone should receive the best care possible. Supported by the newest technology, the group offers optimal care solutions, backed by scientific research and data driven.

About Gilde Healthcare
Gilde Healthcare is a specialized healthcare investor managing over €2.6 billion across two fund strategies: Venture&Growth and Private Equity. The Venture&Growth fund of Gilde Healthcare invests in fast growing companies active in digital health, medtech and therapeutics, based in Europe and North America. The Private Equity fund of Gilde Healthcare participates in profitable lower mid-market healthcare companies based in North-Western Europe. For more information, visit the company’s website at

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