environmental, social and governance - Venture&Growth - Gilde Healthcare

investing in better care at lower cost


Policy alignment with UN PRI

GHP is a signatory to the internationally recognized PRI as per 2019. Accordingly, we demonstrate our commitment to responsible investment through our participation in a publicly available annual report on our responsible investment activity. An important benefit of being a PRI signatory is access to a platform where best practices are shared among responsible investment professionals.

Sustainable Risk Finance Disclosure Regulation (2019/2088) (the Disclosure Regulation)

Gilde Healthcare Partners B.V. (GHP) makes the following disclosures in accordance with articles 3(1) and 5(1) of the Disclosure Regulation.

Sustainability risk policies

A sustainability risk means “an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or potential material negative impact on the value of the investment”. For GHP, sustainability risks are risks which, if they were to materialize, would cause a material negative impact on the value of the portfolios of its alternative investment funds (AIFs).

Before any investment decisions are made on behalf of an AIF, GHP completes a process that aims at identifying the material risks associated with each proposed investment; these will include relevant sustainability risks.

The investment advisory committees of GHP aim to assess the identified risks alongside other relevant factors set out in an investment proposal. Following its assessment, the relevant investment advisory committee advises on the investment having regard to the relevant AIF’s investment policy and objectives. The board of directors of GHP resolves upon investment decisions taking into consideration the advice of the investment advisory committees. It is the intention that throughout the entire process, relevant sustainability risks are identified and assessed using the same process as is applied to other relevant risks affecting the AIFs and investments made on their behalf.


Remuneration policy

GHP pays staff a combination of fixed remuneration (salary and benefits) and variable remuneration (including bonus). Variable remuneration for relevant staff takes into account performance criteria including compliance with all policies and procedures (e.g. relating to the impact of sustainability risks on the investment decision making process).

No consideration of sustainability adverse impacts

With due observance of Article 4 sub 1 (b) of the SFDR, GHP declares that it currently does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors at entity level as outlined in article 4 sub 1 (a) of the SFDR and therefore does not make the disclosures as described in this article. Given the size and scale of the investment activities of GHP, not all of its portfolio companies are required to report publicly on their adverse impacts, nor is such data publicly available in any other way. As such, GHP cannot guarantee the appropriate completeness and required quality of the information needed to fully comply with the technical standards associated with Article 4 of the SFDR. GHP will reconsider disclosing adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors at entity level as set forth in article 4 sub 1 (a) of the SFDR when data quality and availability in relation to its portfolio are at a level required to comply in full. GHP will periodically evaluate and reconsider this position.