Private Equity
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KLIFO is a leading drug development consultancy with significant experience in partnering with biotech and pharmaceutical companies to advance their drug development projects. KLIFO offers multi-disciplinary consulting and operational solutions spanning all areas of clinical research, clinical trial supply, CMC development, regulatory affairs, pharmacovigilance, and the development of pharmaceutical and biotech products and medical devices. The company is a leader in the Scandinavian market and has fast growing operations in Germany and the Netherlands. The company aims to grow and deepen it offering and geographic presence organically and through an active buy and build strategy.
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Novicare provides specialist medical and paramedical (tele)care for elderly patients and people with disabilities in...

Scharenborg Groep
The Scharenborg Groep is an integrated provider of footcare. The company predominantly offers podiatry and...

Chr. Diener / Koscher & Würtz
With the acquisition of Chr. Diener in 2022 and Koscher & Würtz (K&W) in 2023,...